Most of us have
heard of the decorative camellia plant, but the tea variety (Camellia sinensis) is becoming popular
for gardeners. Although it prefers subtropical climates the Camellia
sinensis plant is both
resilient and adaptable. It is an evergreen shrub, but can grow up to 17 m
high. In cultivation, it is usually kept below 2 m high by pruning. Its bright
green leaves are shiny, and often have a hairy underside. Its fruits are
brownish-green and contain one to four seeds. For planting, Camellia
sinensis likes well-drained,
sandy, acidic soil but will do well in other soil types too. They grow well in
sunny areas, but light shade develops the flavor of the leaves. They should be
kept 1 meter apart to avoid competition. Camellia bushes are drought-tolerant
and will survive dry summers.
There are three major varieties: Camellia
sinensis var. sinensis (Chinese tea),
Camellia sinensis
var. assamica (Assam tea, Indian
tea) and
Camellia sinensis
var. Cambodia (Java
Camellia sinensis var. sinensis (Chinese tea), are
the original tea plant and is hardier than the other varieties. It has
relatively small and narrow leaves and produces fragrant white flowers in
autumn. Given the right conditions, a tea plant can grow and produce for 50-100
C. sinensis var. assamica is taller in its natural state and can grow into a
loosely branched tree to a height of about 17 m. It is a less hardy variety
with medium, droopy, leathery leaves. It needs well-drained soil and needs
ample water, but it is the most cold-sensitive camellia.
Camellia sinensis
var. Cambodia
is used to create hybrids and not grown on its own so much, but it can also
grow quite tall and has the small white flowers when temperatures cool in
Tea can be propagated from cuttings or from seeds, but
the seeds take extra time. From seed, it will take 2-3 years to be ready to
harvest. The plant likes regular harvesting and the new shoots can be used for
tea. They need to be properly pruned back every four years to rejuvenate the
bush and keep it at a convenient height.
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