Tuesday 5 May 2015

Health Benefits of Tea...

All of us know tea is good for health. But how exactly? While many of these health benefits have not been fully established systematically to be scientifically accepted, there is a vast amount of information available on the Internet and other sources of information that indicate and advocate the enormous health benefits of tea. 
Helps You Fight Cancer
The anti-oxidants present in tea, called Polyphony, are far superior to the anti-oxidants in fruits and vegetables and help to control the damage to cells, thus offering protection against cancer.

Safeguards Brain Cells
Tea lowers chances of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases by preventing death of brain cells.

As A Weight-Loss Routine
Tea boosts the metabolism rate, speeds up fat oxidation and improves insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. It also increases the production of heat by the body, and hence increases energy expenditure and helps in weight loss. Drinking a few cups of tea a day can do wonders to your waistline!

Keeps You Young
Tea has well documented effects in combating the aging process and it helps to delay lines and wrinkles. So toss those beauty products away for a natural glow!

As a Brain Booster
Tea helps you concentrate and focus. This effect is said to be due to the amino acid L-Therine which gets absorbed in your gut and travels in the blood to your brain. So those long hours on the computer aren't quite so draining!

As A Stimulant
Teas contain caffeine and theanine, which stimulate the brain and heighten mental alertness. But unlike coffee, it is a calming drink which wakes you up without getting you hyper like coffee.

Boosts The Immune System
Theanine in tea helps the body's immune system respond when fighting infection, by boosting the disease-fighting capacity of gamma delta T cells. Tea also possesses anti-bacterial properties by disruption of a specific stage of the bacterial DNA replication process. Trials with tea-drinkers as compared to coffee consumers found that the production of anti-bacterial proteins was up to five times higher in the tea-drinkers!

Cheers You Up
Studies have linked tea consumption with reduction in psychological distress. It also reduces the stress hormone in the body. So lighten up!

Keeps Your Breath Fresh
Phenolic compounds in tea inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath.
Keeps Your Heart Healthy
Studies have proven regular intake of tea reduces 'bad' cholesterol and lowers blood pressure.

And Your Teeth!
Tea contains fluoride, which helps to prevent cavities and strengthens tooth enamel. So bottoms up for those pearly whites!

The extent of health benefits does, however depends heavily on the type of tea. The more processed the tea leaves, the less the polyphenol content, and hence lower the anti-oxidizing power.


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